
India is making progress in the fight against cancer. However, it still remains the second most common cause of death in India (after cardiovascular disease).

The five most frequent cancers in India women are breast, cervical, oral cavity, lung and colorectal.

More women in India die from cervical cancer than in any other country whereas, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in India and accounts for about a quarter of all cancers in women in Indian cities. The incidence rates of breast cancer in India begin to rise in the early thirties and peak at ages 50-64 years. Apparently, the average age for breast cancer in India is almost a decade lower than that in the Western part of the world.


Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the malignant tumor (a tumor with the potential to invade other tissues or spread to other parts of the body) that starts in the cells of the breast. It occurs both in men and women. However male breast cancer is rare.

Among Indian women, breast cancer is the commonest cancer in Indian women. In 2018, 1,62,468 new cases and 87,090 deaths were reported for breast cancer in India.


Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a preventable disease as it has a well-defined, long pre-malignant phase which can be detected by regular screening tests and follow up. Unfortunately, most women in India are not aware about the screening.

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among Indian women (As per Globocan 2018) New cases of cervical cancer detected in India: 96,322 every year.


Oral Cancer

Cancer occurring in the tissues of oral cavity (begins at the lips and extends backwards to the front part of the tonsils) or oropharynx (part of the throat) is termed as oral cancer.

India has one third of oral cancer cases in the world. Oral cancer accounts for around 30% of all cancers in India. Oral cancers in India estimated (Globocan, 2018), New cases: 1,19,992, Deaths: 72,616

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